Greece Launches Free Afternoon Surgeries Today


Greece launches  free afternoon surgeries today in a significant move forward in addressing the country's healthcare backlog.

According to Health Minister Adonis Georgiadis, "We are nearing 2,000 scheduled surgeries for the first two weeks alone," with this number increasing rapidly on a daily basis.

Government spokesman Pavlos Marinakis, commenting on the commencement of free afternoon surgeries, stated, "With €54 million in funding from the Recovery and Resilience Fund, 37,000 afternoon surgeries will be performed for patients who have been waiting for more than four months, according to the unified surgery list.

Patients who have been waiting for over a year have already been notified and are undergoing pre-operative checks.

The number of scheduled appointments is expected to increase in the coming days as more hospitals join the program."

This initiative aims to reduce long waiting lists for surgeries and provide timely medical care to patients.


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