Former Greek Royals Apply for Citizenship


Ten members of the former royal family are signing the application to the Athens Registry Office for Paul and Nicholas to regain Greek citizenship, along with the entire family, which former King Constantine lost with the Venizelos Law of 1994.

Today, Thursday, December 19th, Paul and Nicholas submitted the relevant application through their authorized lawyer. The surname they chose is "De Grèce." This specific surname was considered the most likely from the beginning and was chosen by the former king's uncle, Michael, in 2004. The ten members of the former royal family signing the application are the five children of the former king and the five children of Paul.

Statement by the Government Spokesperson:

Government spokesperson Pavlos Marinakis stated today (December 19th) during a briefing of political reporters that both Paul and Nicholas, the sons of former King Constantine, will not receive any special treatment regarding their request to obtain Greek citizenship.

"Once the law is observed and the competent authorities verify this, the process will proceed. The law governs the acquisition of citizenship, not the person, so there is no special treatment. We have a strong political system with the laws to protect itself," said Pavlos Marinakis.

It is recalled that according to the law that remains in force: "Greek citizenship for Constantine Glücksburg and the members of his family, after the termination of the special legal regime that governed their citizenship before the change of the form of government, is recognized and proven only if the following conditions are cumulatively met:

a) If a clear and unconditional declaration of respect for the Constitution, acceptance and recognition of the system of the Presidential Parliamentary Republic and the result of the referendum of December 8, 1974, which irrevocably determined the form of government, is made before the Athens Registrar.

b) If a clear and unconditional declaration of renunciation of any claims related to the past exercise of a state office or the holding of any title is made before the same registrar.

c) If registration is made in the male or municipal registers of a municipality or community of the state with the name, surname and other necessary legal identity details. A decision of the Minister of Interior ascertains the fulfilment of the above conditions. Passports, travel and other related documents issued to these persons are automatically revoked if the above conditions are not met."

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