Greece’s Christmas Basket Costs Less in 2024

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ATHENS – Holiday shoppers in Greece enjoyed a bit of relief this year as the cost of traditional Christmas and New Year’s foods dropped. The “Christmas Basket,” a collection of holiday staples tracked by the Consumer Goods Retail Research Institute (IELKA), cost 3% less in 2024 compared to the previous year.

IELKA’s December survey of major supermarket chains revealed that the average cost of the basket fell from €44.90 in 2023 to €43.55 in 2024. This decrease is attributed to lower prices for several key items, including turkey (down 7.9%), tsoureki, a sweet bread traditionally eaten at Easter and Christmas (down 5.9%), pork (down 5.6%), lamb (down 3.9%), and goat (down 2.2%).

However, not everything was cheaper. Chocolate bucked the trend with an 11% price hike, blamed on escalating international cocoa prices.

The survey also highlighted that the composition of the “Christmas Basket” varied between supermarket chains, with different products and quantities included in each retailer’s version. This variation underscores the importance of comparing prices across different stores to find the best deals.

This drop in the cost of the Christmas Basket offers a welcome respite for Greek consumers amidst ongoing economic challenges. While the savings may be modest, they provide a small boost to household budgets during the festive season.

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