American actor Rudy Youngblood, known for his role in "Apocalypto," faces deportation from Greece after an altercation with police and the discovery of an expired visa. Youngblood claims a misunderstanding due to a language barrier, but now has 25 days to leave the country.
The incident occurred in the early hours of December 27, 2024, during a routine police check. According to reports, the 42-year-old actor, allegedly under the influence of alcohol, brandished a knife at police officers near the Kypseli Police Station after they approached him following a minor collision with a police motorcycle. He was subsequently arrested for disobedience and possession of a weapon.
Youngblood claims that the officers were not clearly identifiable as police and did not explain his rights, leading to his reaction due to the language barrier. He was initially released following this incident. However, authorities then discovered that his visa had expired, leading to a second arrest and detainment at the Galatsi Police Station. He now faces administrative deportation and has been given 25 working days to leave Greece.
Youngblood has been in Greece since August, filming a movie. He states that he became ill and was advised by his doctor not to fly back to the United States, which is why he remained in the country after his visa expired.
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