The music competition final aired on Sunday night, January 19, and saw eight finalists compete for the top spot. The event featured all four coaches, each with two contestants in the running. In the grand finale, Fey Kross and Giannis Siachamis represented Elena Paparizou’s team, Evaxenia Anthoula and Sofia Christoforidou performed for Panos Mouzourakis’ team, Tilemachos Avrantas and Filippos Kokoromyti performed for Christos Mastoras’ team, and Panos Katsieris and Vangelis Zoulas represented Giorgos Mazonakis’ team.
In the end, Sofia Christoforidou and Vangelis Zoulas were the final two contestants. Ultimately, Sofia’s powerful performance and connection with the audience led her to victory. This marks Panos Mouzourakis’ team's second consecutive win, and he humorously remarked, "I’ll be fired after the third one."
Who is Sofia Christoforidou?
Sofia Christoforidou, born Soumela Christoforidou, is an 18-year-old from Thessaloniki who has been passionate about music from a young age. Her journey began at just six years old with piano and choir lessons. As she grew older, she pursued vocal training, quickly gaining recognition for her exceptional voice. Last year, she took the national exams and is currently studying as a first-year student at the Department of Music Studies.
Sofia's breakthrough on The Voice came early on when her impressive vocal skills and stage presence captivated both the audience and the judges.
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