In an unprecedented move, the Israel General Security Service, commonly known as the Shin Bet, has instructed Israeli airlines to cancel all flights to Paphos, Cyprus, and redirect them to Larnaca Airport.
This decision comes in light of undisclosed security considerations that have been deemed significant enough to warrant immediate action.
The airlines affected by this directive include El Al, Arkia, and IsraAir, all of which have promptly adjusted their schedules in compliance with the Shin Bet's instructions. The directive, described as exceptional, is effective immediately and will remain in place until further notice is provided by security officials.
Passengers booked to travel to Paphos have begun receiving notifications about the change, with flights now being rerouted to the nearby Larnaca Airport. Although specific details regarding the security concerns have not been released, the Shin Bet's decision underscores the seriousness of the situation.
Channel 12 in Israel reported that the three airlines have confirmed the directive, which aligns with similar reports from other sources. The rerouting to Larnaca, a major international hub in Cyprus, is seen as a strategic measure to ensure the safety of passengers and crew.
The situation is developing, and further updates are expected as the security agency continues to assess the situation. Travelers affected by the changes are advised to stay in contact with their respective airlines for the latest information and assistance.