Renowned British actor, writer, and cultural advocate Stephen Fry has once again lent his influential voice to the ongoing campaign for the return of the Parthenon Sculptures to Greece.
Speaking at an event titled “Conversing with Stephen Fry,” held at the Acropolis Museum in Athens, Fry passionately reaffirmed his belief that the ancient sculptures rightfully belong in their homeland.
Fry, a longstanding advocate for the restitution of the Parthenon Sculptures, delivered an emotional address emphasizing his admiration for both the United Kingdom and Greece, while acknowledging the moral responsibility Britain holds in this matter. “I am deeply proud of my British heritage, including cultural icons like Shakespeare and the Beatles, but I also feel a sense of shame for the actions of my country in the past,” Fry stated. “This is a chance for us to correct that.”
The event was organised by Greece’s Ministry of Tourism and the Greek National Tourism Organization and drew an audience of prominent dignitaries, including Greece’s Minister of Tourism Olga Kefalogianni. During his speech, Fry urged a cooperative approach between the British Museum and Greece’s Acropolis Museum, framing the return of the sculptures as a profound gesture of goodwill and cultural justice.
Addressing common counterarguments, Fry rejected concerns that returning the Parthenon Sculptures would diminish the British Museum’s collections. “More than 90% of its artifacts are stored away, not on public display,” he pointed out, advocating instead for the use of modern 3D technology to create replicas, ensuring that both Greece and the UK could preserve and share the sculptures’ cultural legacy.
Minister of Tourism Olga KefalogianniGreek officials also highlighted the significant progress made in the campaign to reclaim the sculptures. Minister Kefalogianni and the director of the Acropolis Museum, Professor Nikolaos Stampolidis, pointed to recent successes, such as the return of the Fagan fragment from Palermo and fragments from the Vatican Museums. These developments, they noted, signify a growing recognition of the sculptures’ broader cultural importance.
Professor Stampolidis emphasised the symbolic significance of the Parthenon frieze, not just as an artwork but as a representation of the ideals of Athenian democracy and humanistic values. “It is not merely a piece of art, but a symbol of the birth of democracy,” he said.
Fry, a key member of the Parthenon Project—a global movement advocating for the restitution of the sculptures—ended his address with an optimistic outlook. “I truly believe that through dialogue and mutual respect, we can find a solution that honors the cultural heritage these sculptures represent,” he remarked.
(Source: Naftemporiki)