Sourlas: We must provide COVID-19 self tests for students in Northern Epirus

George Sourlas

George Sourlas, President of the Association of Relatives of the Fallen during the 1940-41 Epic, in a letter to the Foreign, Health, and Education and Religion Ministers, asked for COVID-19 self-tests for students in Northern Epirus in today's southern Albania.

Northern Epirus.
Northern Epirus with today's Albania.

The letter states:

"Our Union, which in recent years is in constant communication and cooperation with the people of Northern Epirus to search for the bones of the fallen, is accepting requests for assistance from Greece to deal with the pandemic."

Specifically, in addition to COVID-19 vaccines and other health measures, they request self-tests be made available for students and teachers in Greek schools in Northern Epirus.

COVID-19 Mioniriteti kërkon nga qeveria greke të pajisë me teste studentët, George  Sourlas: Ne mbështesim helenizmin, duam testet për studentët
George Sourlas.

They also ask why there was no provision for the Greek National Minority of Albania.

"The Greek State must respond immediately to this request to actively support Hellenism and build bridges of friendship with the new generations in this vulnerable region of the Balkans," the letter added.

READ MORE: Dendias meets with Greek National Minority members of Albania.