Less than 40 Pakistanis in Athens protested at the front of the Indian Embassy, expressing their support for Islamabad's occupation of sovereign and historical Indian territory.
The group of Pakistanis were seen waving Greek flags, Pakistani flags and the flag of Pakistan-occupied Kashmir.
As journalist Andreas Mountzouroulias highlighted, COVID-19 health protocols were not observed at the protest.
Η συγκέντρωση, είτε μάζευε δύο άτομα, είτε 500, έπρεπε να απαγορευτεί!
Α: Προκαλούν την σύμμαχό μας Ινδία
καιΒ: Δεν τηρήθηκαν τα υγειονομικά πρωτόκολλα
— Andreas Mountzouroulias 🇬🇷 (@andreasmoun) October 27, 2021
As Greeks were restricted from fully celebrating Oxi Day, one of the most important secular holidays in Greece, the Pakistani community were able to protest without problems, despite gathering in large numbers and not observing social distancing.
Η Ινδία είναι φίλη και σύμμαχος.
Εως πότε θα επιτρέπεται στους τουρκόφιλους εγκάθετους της Πακιστανικής πρεσβείας να μαζεύονται έξω απο την πρεσβεία της Ινδίας και να προσπαθούν να δημιουργήσουν πρόβλημα στις σχέσεις με την Ελλάδα; @NikosDendias https://t.co/4dfnWJDbYP pic.twitter.com/mczURc9Jl7
— Σταυροφόρος (@stavroforos_) October 27, 2021
Pakistanis in #Greece protest on October 27 in front of the Indian Embassy in #Athens to mark the occupation of the #Kashmir valley by the Indian Forces, 74 years ago. Today's protest is held a day before the Greek #OxiDay celebrations which will be restricted. #KashmirBlackDay pic.twitter.com/anJt7u6A0Y
— Epoca Libera (@epocalibera) October 27, 2021
READ MORE: Chinese investors growing frustrated with Pakistan’s CPEC delays.