Holy Synod protests to Archbishop Elpidophoros over gay couple child christening

Elpidophoros gay couple baptism

The Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church unanimously voted on Monday to send a letter of protest to Archbishop of America Elpidophoros over his decision to baptize the twin children of a gay couple last week reports Kathimerini newspaper.

According to the media outlet,  the protest letter was prompted by a formal complaint by the bishop of Glyfada, Antonios, where the christening took place.
Bishop Antonios took issue with the fact that Elpidophoros did not inform him in his written request to conduct the ceremony at the particular church that it concerned a same-sex couple.

The letter of protest will also be sent to the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Istanbul, under whose canonical jurisdiction the Greek Orthodox Church of America lies.

The publicity surrounding the event, which was organized by two prominent Greek-American men in the Hollywood fashion industry, is another reason why it seems to be so controversial, with one bishop telling Kathimerini that it “sent a message that is completely opposite to the teachings of the Greek Orthodox Church.”
