Free admission to archaeological sites, museums on Tuesday for International Day of Monuments and Sites

1 The five Caryatids waiting for their sister Acropolis Museum

Visitors will have the opportunity to visit monuments, museums and archaeological sites in Greece free of charge on Tuesday, April 18. The date has been established by UNESCO and the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) since 1983 as the International Day for Monuments and Sites - also known as World Heritage Day.
The theme for 2023 is "Heritage Changes" and seeks to underline the urgent need to address the repercussions of climate change on historic monuments and sites.
The aim of the International Day of Monuments and Sites is to sensitise the public to issues relating to the protection of cultural heritage, to highlight the importance of each country's monuments and integrate them into modern social, cultural and economic life.
It is a global institution that provides an opportunity to visit such sites free of charge, consider their history and raise awareness of their importance.