Crowds rushed last night to the Athens neighbourhood of Panormou as a shop was handing out free spaghetti on World Pasta Day, traditionally celebrated on October 25.
As seen in videos and photos, the crowd for a free portion of pasta was impressively large at Mailo's. Due to the intense crowding, the traffic of cars in this particular section of Panormos, for some time, was carried out with incredible difficulty.
@tipsbymarkos Ατελείωτη ουρά για ένα πακέτο ζυμαρικά! Για 1 ώρα… ΔΩΡΕΑΝ ΟΛΑ! Η Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Ζυμαρικών καθιερώθηκε το 1998 για να γνωστοποιήσει στο ευρύ κοινό τη γευστική και θρεπτική αξία των ζυμαρικών και γιορτάζεται κάθε χρόνο στις 25 Οκτωβρίου! f#foryoupagef#foryouffypxyzbca. pasta. #forfree #mailospasta #mailos
We should note that, due to today's feast of Saint Dimitrios and the festival that is taking place, Panormou is anyway closed in the flow from Alexandras to Kifissias, from the height of Alexandras Avenue to Larisis Street.
At the same time, as the promotion is valid in all the stores of this chain, huge queues were also formed in Ioannina.
See photo:
READ MORE: Chicken with hilopites (Greek pasta) Recipe.