Schools in Greece start their first day of the new school year

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Καλή σχολική χρόνια, με υγεία και δύναμη για τη νέα αρχή.

Wishing a good start to the school year, with health and strength for the new year.

Tomorrow, 11 September 2018, students in Greece will be starting their first day of the new school year, after enjoying their beautiful Grecian summer vacations.

With the high standard of education, school is compulsory in Greece for all children between the ages of 6 and 15. The school year runs from September to June, where students attend class from 8am to 2pm.

According to the Education Ministry, the new school year will start with fewer complications than in previous years, as the text books are all ready and after hiring an additional 19,489 teachers last week, there is a lower shortage of educators.