The big moment is approaching. The Primary School of Zipari in Kos will be connected via VHF radio to the International Space Station (ISS) as it passes over the astronomical horizon of the island!
Students of the school will have the opportunity to ask one question live to an astronaut of the Station!
The connection will occur on Thursday, 14 December, at 15:17 local time.
The ARISS World Program (Amateur Radio International Space Station) is being held for the first time in the Dodecanese! The last time a Greek school participated in this program was in 2017.
The Program allows students worldwide to experience the excitement of talking directly with the International Space Station crew members, giving them the impetus to become interested in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).
Achieving the connection is a difficult undertaking. The Children, the Educators, the Union of Radio Amateurs of the Dodecanese, the Municipality of Kos, the School Committees, the Association of Parents and Guardians and the Marina of Kos all contribute to realising this important event!
The school has an Astronomy Club with 23 5th and 6th-grade students who comprise the Order of Scientific Knowledge. Astronomy classes are already taking place, with video, construction, AR, robotics, astronaut training, stargazing, and meetings with mentors such as an astrophysicist, ESA satellite navigation engineer, ESA astronaut candidate, space lawyer and other professionals organised to answer the children's questions.
In addition, there will be actions from the remaining 20 school departments.
Each department will prepare something for the Space Week organised by the School during the week of the Connection!
The process of Connecting with the ISS and the astronaut will be broadcast on a YouTube channel and social networking platforms on the internet (Facebook and Instagram).
All the necessary links for program news can be found at the following link:
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