A thousand Myriad of Waves exhibition in Larnaca

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The elements of an ever-changing sea is central to of all islanders the world over and while Cyprus may be a nation, it is also a very large island.

Larnaca’s respected art-centre Love Apothikes are now hosting a fascinating exhibition ‘A Thousand Myriad Waves,’ that visually examines the diverse elements of the sea.

While we are aware that the sea is constantly transforming, A Thousand Myriad Waves, also explores the charm of the ocean and how all our senses are enlivened. The sea is central to our identities as humans, it is the backdrop to many of humanity’s achievements spiritual and cultural. It is present in many of our stories. A Thousand Myriad Waves, explores the secrets of the ocean, as a common theme.

The Group exhibition looks at humanity’s relationship with the wildest of elements- being the sea.

It is said that one image equals a thousand words. If so, in a world where that is fought with barbed words and actions, we need another way of seeing. The images that make up this group exhibition, A Thousand Myriad Waves remind us how ever-changing the elements of life really is.

For more exhibitions and to check out the amazing art space in Cyprus- go to www.loveapothikes.com


GCT Team

This article was researched and written by a GCT team member.