‘Greek Freak’ named one of the Top 3 Fittest Athletes in the World

Giannis Antetokounmpo

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Leading publication Sports Illustrated has named “Greek Freak” Giannis Antetokounmpo as one of the Top 3 fittest athletes in the world.

“Have you seen Giannis Antetokounmpo lately? Last offseason, the 24-year-old made it clear that he was taking his game to the next level, bulking up his already-intimidating 6'11", 242-pound frame (and 7'3" wingspan) for his sixth season in the league,” says Sports Illustrated.

Adding, “Antetokounmpo has continued to transform his body—and deliver on the court—over the course of his career, remaining committed to weightlifting sessions and adding boxing into his regimen. They don’t call him the “Greek Freak” for nothing.”

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Taking the first spot is New York Giant’s Saquon Barley, and soccer sensation Cristiano Ronaldo was named second, followed by Giannis.

With the help of a panel of trainers, exercise physiologists and performance experts, athletes were selected based on their performances over the last 12 months; demands and risks of their respective sports; durability; training regimens; and other physical criteria including power, speed, strength, agility, endurance, flexibility and more.

The Top 3 fittest females according to Sports Illustrated are gymnast Simone Biles, track and field star Caterine Ibarguen and Cross Fit icon Tia-Clair Toomey.