Melbourne Greek Community Unites for a Free and United Cyprus

GCM building in Red

The 50th anniversary of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus is a sombre occasion, but the Greek Community of Melbourne (GCM) is using it to ignite a spark of hope.

In collaboration with ΣΕΚΑ Victoria, the Cyprus Community of Melbourne & Victoria, and the 50th Year Action Group, the GCM is calling for a united front in advocating for a free and reunited Cyprus.

Remembering the Past, Fighting for the Future

The Greek Centre will be bathed in red light, a stark reminder of the lives lost and the ongoing struggle. Communities across Victoria will come together to commemorate this tragic event, expressing solidarity with displaced families and the enduring Cypriot culture.

The 1974 invasion remains a violation of international law, leading to displacement and suffering. The GCM reaffirms its stance against this injustice and its unwavering support for a peaceful resolution.

A Call to Action for the Global Community

The enduring impact of the invasion is deeply felt within the Melbourne community. They stand united in remembering the victims and supporting those seeking justice.

This call extends beyond Melbourne, urging the global community to join the fight for Cypriot human rights and sovereignty. The world must not forget the injustices faced by the Cypriot people, and together, we can strive for a unified and peaceful Cyprus.

Statements from Community Leaders

  • Pavlos Andronikos, President of ΣEKA Victoria: "Remembering is crucial. It fuels our fight for justice. The red light symbolizes our unwavering memory of the atrocities committed – the killings, the missing, the refugees. It is a call to action, a demand for reunification."
  • The Hon. Theo Theophanous, President of the Cyprus Community of Melbourne & Victoria: "For 50 years, our community has supported refugees, mourned the lost, and advocated for reunification. Now, facing a regime pushing for permanent division, we call on the Australian Government to pressure Turkey back to the negotiating table for a free, democratic, and unified Cyprus."
  • Bill Papastergiadis OAM, President of the GCM: "The illuminated Greek Centre is a beacon of hope, a reminder of our unwavering commitment. Together, we can keep the memory alive and work towards a brighter future. We invite everyone to join our commemorative activities on July 21st at Federation Square for a flag-raising ceremony, wreath-laying, and speeches."
GCM building in Red 1

This is a powerful display of unity and a call to action. Join the Melbourne Greek Community and stand with Cyprus in the fight for a free and united future.