Mum tries sneaking drugs hidden in Souvlaki to her jailed son

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A mother has tried to sneak drugs to her jailed son by placing it inside souvlaki and frozen meat. The woman attempted to take the souvlaki through Korydallos prison in Pireaus, Athens, during prison visiting hours and was arrested by police who discovered the narcotics before she had the chance to pass it over to her son.

The mother had concealed two separate small wraps of cannabis weighing a total of 47 grams inside souvlaki pita, and a larger quantity of cannabis, split in eight wraps totalling 201 grams, concealed inside frozen meat.

During the search carried out by correctional officers and guards, the cannabis was found and seized.

Her son has been held at Korydallos prison on robbery charges since the start of 2019.

The woman is being held in custody and an investigation is being carried out by the Korydallos Security Division.