No deal yet with Greece’s creditors over bailout: Tsakalotos

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Greece’s Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos met on Monday with representatives of Greece’s creditors and discussed the creation of a new Privatisation Fund that Greece must set up as part of the third bailout programme.

Government sources said that although no deal was reached, Greece and its creditors were close to reaching a mutually satisfactory deal.

The meeting also covered other issues relating to privatisations, such as Parliament's ratification of the deal for Hellinikon, the "package" of state companies that will be handed over to the new Privatisation Fund and the Egnatia Highway.

The meeting was part of the effort to complete milestones required to finalise the first review of the programme. The two sides were also "close" with respect to the allocation of 5% of Hellenic Telecommunications Organisation (OTE) shares, a government source reported.

A new meeting between the government and institutions is planned for today Tuesday, with Economic Minister George Stathakis taking part, while International Monetary Fund (IMF) Athens mission head Delia Velculescu will also join the negotiations.

GCT Team

This article was researched and written by a GCT team member.