A so-called Non-Government Organization that has no website and little information about it, has announced that it is looking for immigrants who illegally entered Greece and were returned to Turkey so they can sue the Greek government.
The Consolidated Rescue Group, which has nearly 35,000 followers on Facebook and posts mostly in Arabic, often says how Turkey is a humanitarian country and that Greece is not.
However, they are now escalating their anti-Greek agenda, saying they will take Greece to court, without specifying which court exactly.
“Greece reportedly secretly returned immigrants who arrived in the Greek Islands who disappeared without a trace. The Consolidated Rescue Group is trying to gather more accurate information on this controversy that is contrary to international law. If you are one you can contact us on page mail. There will be media,” the NGO said on Facebook.
In a later post, the NGO then said how there are lawyers working on the case.
“We need people who returned to Turkey after arriving Greece. A lot of journalists working with lawyers are on this case. We are here to help you detect and stop this illegal violation through legal channels. Thank you.”
The NGO clearly has an anti-Christian Orthodox agenda as it makes vicious videos on its YouTube account accusing Greece and Serbia of violations and violence against illegal immigrants, while simultaneously praising Turkey’s so-called humanitarianism.
Perhaps the NGO should question why Freedom House’s 2020 World Freedom Report had Turkey in the Not Free category scoring 32/100 for Political Rights and Civil Liberties, while Serbia in 2019 scored 67 and Greece scored 88 in 2020.
Of course this does not matter to the NGO as it is serving a Turkish agenda to flood Greece with illegal immigrants.
During the 1990’s, the then president of Turkey Turgut, Özal, provocatively boasted: “We do not need to make war with Greece. We just need to send them a few million immigrants and finish with them.”
The NGO should also realise that Greece has no responsibility for the illegal immigrants as:
- Refugees seek refuge in a safe country, in which Turkey is, meaning by international law the moment they attempt to leave a safe country without authorisation they become an illegal immigrant.
- It was not Greece (or Serbia) that bombed Syria and financed terrorist organisations that created a refugee wave, that was Turkey. As an aggressor country, it has responsibility for the refugees it helped create.
These facts will of course be overlooked by the NGO because they are serving an agenda.