Decrease in Greek official unemployment figures

greek unemployment rate


According to Greece’s Workforce Employment Organisation (OAED) registered unemployment feel by 2.74 % in September compared with August, or 24,581 less unemployed people but with the demographic in the 30-44 age group recording the highest rate of registered unemployment of more than 40%.

In a monthly report, OAED said the number of registered unemployed people totalled 871,981 in September, down from 896,562 in August, of which 54.95% were registered unemployed for more than 12 months, while 63.01% were women and 36.99% men.

In September, unemployed people receiving unemployment benefits totalled 136,123, from 117,042 in August, an increase of 19,081 or 16.3%.

GCT Team

This article was researched and written by a GCT team member.