Turkish jets invade Greek airspace on Obama’s visit to Athens

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Just as U.S. President Obama landed in Athens as part of his Europe itinerary, Turkey found the opportunity to provoke with another intrusion into Greek air space.

Two Turkish fighter jets and two naval cooperation aircraft entered Athens’ FIR on Tuesday without submitting a flight plan.

The two air traffic rule violations of national airspace over the north-eastern and south-eastern Aegean were recorded by Greek authorities.

In all instances, the Turkish aircraft were identified and intercepted by corresponding Greek fighter jets. In three instances, the interception developed into a dogfight.

It was noted that both Turkish jets were armed.

GCT Team

This article was researched and written by a GCT team member.

1 Comment
  1. There were American ships in the area to protect the President during his visit. These hostile aircraft could have easily been sent to attack him and they should have been shot down by the US military.