Founder of Doctors of the World Greece, Theophilos Rosenberg passes away

Founder of Doctors of the World Greece, Theophilos Rosenberg passes away

Founder of Doctors of the World Greece, Theophilos Rosenberg passes away

Theophilos Rosenberg, associate professor at the Medical School of the University of Athens and former president of KEELPNO (now EODY) during the SYRIZA government, passed away last week  after a short battle with cancer.

He was also the founder and for many years, president of the organization “Doctors of the World Greece (MDM Greece).

“Our beloved Theofilos. A historical figure in the field of Medicine, the University, the Left, humanitarian organizations, solidarity with populations plagued by health crises, the militant defense of the rights of the weak, refugees, the oppressed," said Andreas Xanthos,  Greek medical doctor and Member of the Hellenic Parliament.

"We are all grateful to him for his selfless and effective contribution to the moralization of our country’s Health System. But above all, we are grateful to Theophilos Rosenberg for the legacy of morality, humanity and dignity he left in public life. Warm condolences to his family and relatives," he added.

*More on GCT: THI Australia announces €54,000 grant to Doctors of the World Greece
GCT Team

This article was researched and written by a GCT team member.