Russia has vowed retaliation after several EU countries blocked state media channels, including Ria Novosti and Rossiya 1, on Telegram. Moscow condemned the move as “an act of censorship” and warned of a response, accusing the EU of conducting a “campaign of repression” against Russian media. Tensions over media freedom and disinformation continue to rise amid the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.
Tag: censorship
A five-minute video clip from the film *Famagusta* is raising questions about Turkey’s alleged blocking of Netflix series. The clip depicts a disturbing scene from the 1974 Turkish invasion of Cyprus, highlighting the brutality faced by Cypriots. The story of Eleni Foka, whose father’s wound was reportedly stitched in the shape of a crescent moon, has become a symbol of the suffering endured during the conflict.
Greece’s media watchdog is investigating three prominent trap artists for potentially harmful content in their music and videos, raising questions about freedom of expression and online content regulation. The artists, Snik, Toquel, and Rack, face potential fines and platform bans.
A prominent independent radio station in Istanbul, Acik Radyo, was forced off the air by Turkish authorities for using the term “Armenian Genocide” during a broadcast. The station, known for its commitment to open dialogue and diverse voices, vows to fight the decision and continue broadcasting through alternative means.
AHEPA leader Savas C. Tsivicos has addressed Netflix’s decision to restrict the “Famagusta” series outside Greece following Turkish pressure. In his letter to Netflix CEO Ted Sarandos, Tsivicos criticizes Turkey’s influence on global content and underscores the need for diverse accessibility, highlighting concerns over Turkey’s historical narrative and growing authoritarianism.
If successful, Aliki Xanthakos, who is running alongside Barbara Coorey in the local Canterbury Bankstown election, will make history as the youngest Greek- Australian to be elected.
In a shocking turn of events, Pavel Durov, the CEO of messaging app Telegram, was arrested at Paris’ Bourget Airport on Saturday evening. French authorities are investigating the platform for allegedly insufficient content moderation, which they believe has enabled criminal activity.
Turkey has blocked its citizens from accessing Instagram, citing censorship as the reason. The move comes after a high-ranking Turkish official accused the social media platform of preventing users from posting condolences for an individual referred to as “martyr Haniyeh.”
UK Culture Secretary Lucy Frazer has emphasised the need for Greece to acknowledge the United…
X, a global advocate for online freedom, has recently achieved a significant legal victory in…
An event that was scheduled to take place on March 12th at the NSW State…
Residents of the Athens district of Exarchia demanded to cancel a free concert by the…
A group of journalists filed a lawsuit against Facebook for censorship. Giannis Androulidakis, Leonidas Vatikiotis,…
Turkey has scored poorly in the ‘freedom’ stakes according to Freedom House, an independent watchdog…
By Uzay Bulut Today, 167 journalists languish in Turkish jails, a figure reported by Turkey’s Platform for…