Tag: censure motion

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SYRIZA Central Committee Concludes In-Person Vote on Censure Motion Against Kasselakis

In a significant turn of events, the censure motion against SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance leader Stefanos Kasselakis has passed. Garnering 163 out of 295 Central Committee votes, the motion surpasses the required 148 votes, triggering a new leadership election process. The motion, initially submitted by a group known as the “87” and later backed by figures like Pavlos Polakis, will now see SYRIZA convene a Congress to determine the election timeline and accept candidates.

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Kasselakis Faces Uncertain Future as SYRIZA Committee Vote Continues

SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance’s Central Committee members concluded in-person voting Sunday on a censure motion against party leader Stefanos Kasselakis. The motion, filed Saturday by 100 committee members, will now enter a second phase allowing absent members to vote by phone, before all votes are tallied. The motion requires approval from 50% plus one of all 295 committee members to pass.