Tag: Deutsche Bank

forced occupation loan,WWII,Greece,Germany,Nazi,Italian,Giorgos Harvalias,Jawohl! Blood, Oblivion, and Subjugation,Pedio Publications,IG Farben,Mark Mazower,Kiel Institute,Karl Schiller,Krupp,Deutsche Bank,Dresdner Bank,National Bank,Bank of Athens,Reichskreditkassenscheine,occupation marks,Mediterranean drachmas,inflation,Athanasios Sbarounis,Rome Conference,Axis powers,reparations

The forced occupation loan: What Germany owes Greece from WWII

During the WWII occupation of Greece, the Nazi regime imposed a forced occupation loan on the country. This controversial topic is explored in detail by journalist and political analyst Giorgos Harvalias. The Nazis systematically pillaged Greek assets, exploiting the country’s economy for their own gain. Despite the immense damage caused, Greece continues to seek reparations from Germany for the forced loan.


Greece Concludes Bank Privatisation Efforts with National Bank Stake Sale

Greece has completed the re-privatisation of its banking sector by selling a 10% stake in the National Bank of Greece, raising €690 million to help reduce public debt. The sale, managed by the Hellenic Financial Stability Fund (HFSF), saw high investor interest, with oversubscription 12 times over. This marks the final stage of Greece’s effort to divest its stakes in major banks, signaling ongoing economic recovery after the financial crisis.