Google Doodle celebrates Greece National Day 2024 with waving flag illustration. This day commemorates the beginning of the War of…
Today's Google doodle is dedicated to the national elections in Greece. Users will see a ballot box with a Greek…
Today's Google doodle is dedicated to the national elections in Greece. Users will see a ballot box with a Greek…
Today's Google Doodle commemorated the anniversary of the 1821 Greek War of Independence, during which the nation began its struggle…
On the 199th anniversary of the Eastern Mediterranean country declaring its independence, today’s Google Doodle celebrates Greece’s National Day. After…
Today, Google Doodle is honouring astonishing Greek computer scientist Michael Dertouzos who predicted how the internet would impact the lives of…
Mount Olympus, Greece's highest and most famous cliff, has been honoured with a Google Doodle today. For years, the mountain…