Tag: Lindos

Colossus of Rhodes

Colossus of Rhodes, Greece

The statue, which took 12 years to build (c. 294ā€“282 BC), was toppled by an earthquake about 225/226 BC. The fallen Colossus was left in place until 654 AD when Arabian forces raided Rhodes and had the statue broken up and the bronze sold for scrap. Supposedly, the fragments totalled more than 900 camel loads.

ANthony Quinn

Rhodes, Island of Wonders: An Extensive Guide

As the capital of the Dodecanese, this 5000-year-old island is filled with natural, cultural and historical wonders including the Colossus of Rhodes – a giant statue of a 282 BC wrestler was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Read this extensive guide to the wondrous island of Rhodes.

Rhodes town

Rhodes, Island of Wonders: An Extensive Guide

As the capital of the Dodecanese, this 5000-year-old island is filled with natural, cultural and historical wonders including the Colossus of Rhodes – a giant statue of a 282 BC wrestler was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Read this extensive guide to the wondrous island of Rhodes.

Rhodes town

Rhodes, Island of Wonders: An Extensive Guide

As the capital of the Dodecanese, this 5000-year-old island is filled with natural, cultural and historical wonders including the Colossus of Rhodes – a giant statue of a 282 BC wrestler was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Read this extensive guide to the wondrous island of Rhodes.

Rhodes town

Rhodes, Island of Wonders: An Extensive Guide

As the capital of the Dodecanese, this 5000-year-old island is filled with natural, cultural and historical wonders including the Colossus of Rhodes – a giant statue of a 282 BC wrestler was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Read this extensive guide to the wondrous island of Rhodes.