Russia has vowed retaliation after several EU countries blocked state media channels, including Ria Novosti and Rossiya 1, on Telegram. Moscow condemned the move as "an act of censorship" and warned of a response, accusing the EU of conducting a "campaign of repression" against Russian media. Tensions over media freedom and disinformation continue to rise amid the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.
Tag: media freedom
A prominent independent radio station in Istanbul, Acik Radyo, was forced off the air by Turkish authorities for using the term "Armenian Genocide" during a broadcast. The station, known for its commitment to open dialogue and diverse voices, vows to fight the decision and continue broadcasting through alternative means.
For the second year in a row, Greece came last among EU countries in the…
The ruling New Democracy government is once again under the spotlight as Greece was the…
Greeceās Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias will today participate in the World Press Freedom Conference, which…
As coronavirus gets out of control in Turkey, at least 45,000 Turkish prisoners could be…