Tag: Ottomans

Clean Monday Flour smudging Alevromoutzouromata in Galaxidi

Alevromoutzouromata (Flour Smudging) in Galaxidi

Although celebrated throughout Greece, nobody celebrates 'Clean Monday' quite like the residents of Galaxidi who hold an annual ‘flour war’ or alevromoutzouromata (flour smudging), whereby all and sundry flock to the streets armed with sacks of ‘ammunition’ such as colourfully dyed flour, soot and confetti.

Clean Monday Flour smudging Alevromoutzouromata in Galaxidi

Alevromoutzouromata (Flour Smudging) in Galaxidi

Although celebrated throughout Greece, nobody celebrates 'Clean Monday' quite like the residents of Galaxidi who hold an annual ‘flour war’ or alevromoutzouromata (flour smudging), whereby all and sundry flock to the streets armed with sacks of ‘ammunition’ such as colourfully dyed flour, soot and confetti.