Tag: Pfizer

Dr Lelos Live 1683am

Live on Air with 1683am Greek Radio: Dr Nicholas Lelos

Listen to Dr Nicholas J Lelos live on air as a special guest with 1683am Greek Radio. Dr Lelos answers direct questions regarding COVID-19, clarifying the many myths and theories surrounding vaccination and the virus currently that are currently circulating.

global vaccination

The Search for Answers in the Global Push for Mass Vaccination

Ingredients including fetal cells, chimp DNA, metal spoons sticking to arms at the injection site…There are a lot of questions circulating in the push for global vaccination as many people remain concerned about the perceived ‘experimental’ nature of C0VID-19 vaccines. Greek City Times puts some tough questions to Dr. Nicholas Lelos and here’s what he had to say.


No Vaccination, No Bouzoukia

As of July 16th Posidonio will be the first Covid free bouzoukia in Greece as venues are required to register as either a “pure space” for vaccinated people only or as a “mixed space’ with both vaccinated and unvaccinated people permitted.


“Greece can be a leader in Europe.” Achilles Tsaltas, VP of The New York Times, discusses the future of media in Greece

Achilles Tsaltas, the Vice President International Conferences, The New York Times and current President of the Foundation for Democracy and Culture says, “We, as an institution of the Athens Democracy Forum, believe much more in Europe as the core centre of the Western culture, rather than America. The US democracy has suffered a great shock recently, and so, America has a lot of work to do inside. The ones who can save Western civilisation are European countries.”