A shooting incident in Kypseli on Tuesday night left one man dead and another slightly injured. The attack, believed to involve individuals of Turkish origin, occurred at the intersection of Lesvos 6 and Patision 214. Witnesses reported hearing four gunshots, and the police are currently searching for two suspects. The motive behind the shooting remains unclear as the investigation continues.
Tag: police search
Authorities in Athens' Kypseli district are increasing their efforts to apprehend a suspect involved in the brutal decapitation of stray cats. The incidents have left local residents alarmed and searching for answers, as police continue to investigate the possibility of a single individual behind these disturbing acts.
Greek authorities are conducting an urgent search for a 48-year-old British tourist who went missing after swimming with his niece on Theologos Beach in northern Rhodes. The tourist was last seen yesterday, and his disappearance has prompted a coordinated effort by local police and the coast guard.