Tag: Roman mythology

Archaeologists exploring the site of an ancient Greek settlement in southern Turkey unearthed a beautifully preserved mosaic floor dating back to the second century BC.

Uncovering Ancient Greece: 2,200-Year-Old Mosaic of the Muse Calliope Revealed in Turkey

In the Mediterranean coast of southern Turkey, archaeologists have unearthed a stunning relic from the past: a mosaic floor dating back to the second century BC. This exquisite mosaic, discovered during ongoing restoration efforts in the ancient city of Side, depicts the legendary Muse Calliope, one of the Nine Muses of Greek mythology. This discovery sheds new light on the cultural richness of this ancient Greek settlement and highlights the enduring influence of Greek mythology in the region.

Greek Coin Smuggler, Dealer of 'World's Most Expensive Coin' Arrested for Grand Larceny in New York

Greek Coin Smuggler, Dealer of 'World's Most Expensive Coin' Arrested for Grand Larceny in New York

After being arrested for smuggling ancient Greek coins in 1992, Italian coin dealer Italo Vecchi, has been charged for possession of stolen coins worth $1 million and accused of assisting in counterfeiting the provenance of the Sicilian Naxos silver coin, minted around 430 B.C.