Tag: school

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Imvros: The revival of a Greek Community

Imbros Island had almost five and a half thousand Greek inhabitants in the mid-1960s... Since then, the dream of all Imbros people has been the revival of the island's Greek community. This could only be achieved in one way: just as the closure of the schools signaled the departure of the Greeks from the island, their reopening could signify their return.

home schooling learning

10 Home Learning Tips and Tricks to keep your Child Engaged

With the end in sight, and a rigorous term passed, home learning is now well and truly a part of our everyday normality. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, confused or in need of a few new tips and tricks to encourage, motivate and foster your child's development next term, here are some handy and helpful teacher recommended ideas

Greek LOL online school

The Greek School where nobody wears a mask

The pandemic hasn’t changed anything for the students at this very special Greek school. They still attend their Greek lessons just like they did before Covid-19, they still get together with their classmates and teachers, they still play games designed to help them improve their spoken Greek and they still take part in school events - all without a mask. How is this possible?

Greek ministry of education

#WeLearnSafely: The new TV campaign of the Greek Ministry of Education for the upcoming school year

As schools and academic institutions are scheduled to start on September 14th The Greek Ministry of Education and Religions has launched a new campaign for Greek students titled “#MathainoumeAsfaleis” (#WeLearnSafely) to mitigate concerns about the health and safety of students inside classrooms amidst the ongoing COVID-19 crisis.