Renowned chef Akis Petretzikis embarks on a spiritual and culinary journey to Mount Athos, where he merges Orthodox traditions with the rich flavors of monastic cuisine for the upcoming season of "Aki's Food Tour."
Tag: Spiritual Journey
Greek singer Marinella is recovering from a severe hemorrhagic stroke suffered on stage on September 25. While her health remains critical but stable, her spiritual journey is gaining attention. Conversations with fellow artist Poseidon Giannopoulos reveal her desire for solitude before performances, showcasing her humility. Her connection with Archimandrite Palamas from Kallipetra Monastery highlights her blend of worldly life and deep spirituality. Fans remain hopeful for her return to music and wellness.
The Portland Festival of Cinema, Animation and Technology (PFCAT) will host the Pacific Northwest premiere of Leon Logothetis’s documentary The Kindness Within: A Journey to Freedom on August 24 at OMSI. Logothetis, known for 'The Kindness Diaries', hopes the film provides hope and a counterbalance to global negativity.
On the Third Sunday of Lent, the Orthodox Church pauses to reflect on a powerful…