More than just a comedy show, LoCasio’s ‘Pappou’ is a heartfelt exploration of family, identity, and the immigrant experience. “In many ways, my grandfather’s story is my story. He gave up his dream so I could live mine."
Tag: Thanos Petrelis
Thanos Petrelis spoke about his choice to work in music, the fake profiles made for…
Thanos Petrelis talked about the entertainment industry in Greece in recent years and his experience…
The National Multicultural Festival is back for its much-delayed 25th anniversary! Running from Friday, 17…
Thanos Petrelis Australian Tour kicks off in February 2023!
Thanos Petrelis Australian Tour kicks off in February 2023!
By Antonia Komarkowski Thanos Petrelis is one of the biggest names in Greek laika today,…