Greek tourism professor from Australia wins Europe’s highest industry award

By 8 years ago

Tourism professor Dr. Marianna Sigala has been recognised by the EuroCHRIE , European Council of Hotel, Restaurant & Institutional Education for her service and contribution to both hospitality and tourism education and was awarded the President’s Award 2016 during the 34th annual EuroCHRIE conference held October 26-28 at the Budapest Metropolitan University in Hungary.

Professor Sigala’s research is multi-award winning featuring several best paper awards in international conferences and academic journals, such as papers published in the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management and International Journal of Hospitality Management. She has also published 5 books in the area of Information Technologies and tourism, and she has been an invited keynote speaker of more than 30 international conferences.

Dr Sigala has held positions at Universities of Strathclyde and Westminster in the UK, and most recently at the University of the Aegean (Greece). She has also been a visiting professor in many universities worldwide including Italy, Spain, Spain, France, Russia and Australia.

Marianna also has a PhD from the University of Surrey as well as a Certificate of Advanced Academic Studies from the University of Strathclyde and an MSc in Tourism Management from the University of Surrey. She is a widely published authority in the area of Service Operations Management and Information & Communication Technology (ICT) applications in Tourism and Hospitality. She also has an interest in e-learning models and pedagogies, having published several research studies in these areas.

Marianna is the current Chair of the ICHRIE Johnson & Wales Case Study Competition & Publication Series; the co-editor of the international Journal of Service Theory & Practice; the editor of the International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Cases and the co-editor of the Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Management.

Professor Sigala is currently Professor in Tourism at the University of South Australia Business School.
