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Greece plays host to ancient civilisations

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GCT Team

Greece’s Foreign Ministry announced on Tuesday that it is organising an international “Forum of Ancient Civilisations” in Athens in a bid to promote the cultural heritage and cooperation between participating countries.

Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias and his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi sent out a joint invitation stressing the common vision to utilise cultural heritage to promote friendly relations, international cooperation, peace, stability and prosperity. The achievements of the past gain increasingly more value, not when one rests on one’s laurels, but when they are utilised to form a better present and a more hopeful tomorrow and this is the aim of the Forum, it was stated.

Invitations were sent out to Egypt, Bolivia, India, Iraq, Iran, Italy, Mexico and Peru, who represent ancient civilisations such as the Egyptian, the Roman, the Persian, the Chinese, the Mesopotamian, the Mayas, the Incas, and those of the Indus Valley.

The ten countries represent more than 40% of the world population and are at the centre of international political developments in the Americas, Europe, Asia and Africa.

The forum will be held at Zappion Mansion in central Athens.

This post was last modified on April 19, 2017 11:16 am

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