Supreme Court prosecutor investigates Afgani student Greek flag controversy

By 7 years ago

Supreme Court prosecutor Xeni Dimitriou ordered the head of the Athens Court of First Instance Ilias Zagoreo to conduct a preliminary investigation into the case of the 11- year-  old Afghan student who along with his family was the target of racist attacks.

Amir’s home was attacked early last Friday by unidentified individuals who broke windows and left a sign telling the family to leave Greece after news broke that he was selected by ‘’lottery’’ to carry the Greek flag during the commemoration events for October 28 in Athens.

The apartment where Amir's family lived, under a program sponsored by the City of Athens and the UN High Commission for Refugee.

The incident prompted the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras to invite Amir and his family to the Prime Ministerial mansion where he  young student with a Greek flag and condemned racism.

Penny Zalalas