Greece gets serious in fight against anti-Semitism with special envoy

By 5 years ago

Greece's Ministy of Foreign Affairs announced on Wednesday the appointment of a Special Secretary to combat Anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial.

The Ministry announced that Dr. Efstathios C. Lianos Liantis, Special Secretary of Religious and Cultural Diplomacy, was appointed Special Secretary for Anti-Semitism and Anti-Defamation of the Holocaust.

According to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, George Katrougalos this is the first time a special envoy is appointed on the issue of anti-Semitism.

Dr. Lianos is also a founding member of the Holocaust Museum of Greece, and the head of the Greek delegation to the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), the international, intergovernmental organisation against anti-Semitism.

He has collaborated on cultural and educational activities and academic initiatives with the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, the Church of Greece, the ancient Patriarchal Sees of the East and other religious authorities.

The special secretary has edited more than 70 Greek- and foreign-language publications on many subjects of classical studies.

About the Special Secretary

Dr. Efstathios C. Lianos Liantis is a Research Associate of the Faculty of Theology of the Theological School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He holds a PhD from the Faculty of Theology AUTH. Subjects of his postdoctoral research are the aspects of the Greek foreign policy and religious diplomacy during the period of political and ecclesiastical administration of the Archbishop of Athens and All Greece Damaskinos. Also, he holds two postgraduate degrees on Church History and Christian Literature (MTheol) and Late Antique and Byzantine Studies (MPhil), from the Aristotle University and the Royal Holloway - University of London (on scholarship of the Holy Synod of the Church of Greece and co-proctorship of King's College London and University College London) respectively. Additionally, he has undergone specialized training on Palaeography and Codicology.
