Der Spiegel's "evidence" that a Greek bullet killed migrant grows weaker with new Turkish confession

By 4 years ago

On March 4 at the peak of Turkish dictator Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s attempt to asymmetrically invade Greece with illegal immigrants, Muhammad Gulzar, a Pakistani who had previously lived in Greece and was told by his boss Nikolaos Tzokanis to not re-enter illegally, was shot and killed at Evros on the Greek-Turkish border.

Der Spiegel claims the "evidence overwhelmingly suggests that the bullet came from a Greek firearm" and one of its authors, Giorgos Christidis, said that there is "little doubt he was killed by a Greek bullet."

Greek City Times has already shown major holes in the story pushed by Der Spiegel that Greek forces killed a Pakistani illegal migrant.

We analysed whether testimonies of illegal migrants can be trusted.

We saw how the majority of weapons that the Greek forces are using in the border region are G3 7.62-millimetre caliber weapons when Der Spiegel says the Pakistani national was killed by a 5.56-millimetre caliber weapon from the autopsy report they saw.

We also found that the majority of weapons used by Turkish soldiers are 5.56 millimetre caliber weapons.

We questioned why Der Spiegel never explored the option that perhaps Turkish soldiers killed the illegal immigrant.

We also questioned why the German media company never attempted to contact the European Union border control agency, who were present on the alleged date of killing.

A supposed months long investigation was revealed to have major holes in only a day by Greek City Times. You can read the report here.

Now Der Spiegel really needs to re-investigate the allegations they made after a major revelation was made by Turkey's Minister of the Interior, Süleyman Soylu.

Soylu said in an interview from March that "we retaliated against Greece ten times more. We had bombarded the other side [Greek troops] with bullets and gas canisters for hours."

Turkey just admitted it shot 10 times more bullets than Greece did. Turkey's main weapon for their soldiers are 5.56-millimetre weapons. Greece's main weapon for soldiers are 7.62-millimetre weapons.

Der Spiegel also never considered the possibility that the Pakistani national was shot and killed by a Turkish soldier.

The doubt that it was a Greek bullet that killed Gular is growing stronger as more details continue to emerge.

Paul Antonopoulos