600 square metre Greek flag to be unfurled close to the Turkish border

By 4 years ago

The proud blue and white flag of Greece will wave in the port of Alexandroupolis, while a special crane will be used to raise the flag.

The largest Greek flag, with an area of ​​600 square metres, will be raised on the morning of May 14 in northeastern city of Alexandroupolis, that is 40 kilometres west of the Greek-Turkish border.

Measuring 17.46 x 27.52 metres, the huge blue and white flag was donated by the municipality of Didymoteicho to the Alexandroupolis Club, for the celebration of the liberation of the city that occurred in April 1920.

Citizens will be able to watch the hoisting of the flag, which will take place at 10am on Thursday, while of course observing the necessary protection measures.

As for the time that the blue and white will actually wave, will depend on the winds that will blow in the area.

The national flag of Greece has nine blue and white stripes with a cross to symbolise Greek Orthodox Christianity, the main religion of Greek people. The isosceles cross has always been a sacred symbol of the Greek seafarers, as it symbolised the four points of the horizon, as did the cross on the mast.

The nine stripes represent the nine syllables of Ελευθερία ή Θάνατος ("Freedom or Death"), the motto of Greek revolutionaries who fought against the Ottoman Empire beginning in 1821 and won their freedom after 400 years of oppression.

The blue and white symbolises the colours of the sky and sea that have become synonymous with Greece's picture perfect landscapes.

In 1978, the current Greek flag was adopted as the sole flag for Greece.

The Greek flag is celebrated and honoured on October 27, the eve of the "Oxi Day" anniversary.

In some institutions, such as education and the military, the presence of the Greek flag is official and institutionalised.

Paul Antonopoulos