How much does meat cost in Greece compared to other EU countries?

August 19, 2020 8:27 pm

Souvla...absolutely mouth drooling meat skewered on a spit and cooked to perfection over a charcoal barbecue. But how does the price of meat in Greece compare with other member States of the European Union? The data was recently published by Eurostat.

When price levels in countries are compared with the EU average price level index of 100, the results show that in 2019, the price of meat was highest in Austria (price level index of 145) and Luxembourg (141), followed by France (131), the Netherlands (127), Belgium (125) and Finland (124).

Greece is in 15th place based on the price of meat, behind Slovakia and one place higher than Spain.

Cyprus has a lower price than Greece, ranking 17th behind Spain.

