Greek NEWS

120 refugees leave Lesvos for Germany

Published by
Athens Bureau

Another 120 recognised refugees left Lesvos on Wednesday for the German city of Hannover.

This is the last flight from Lesvos to Germany as part of the European Voluntary Resettlement Program.

The General Secretary of Migration Policy, Patroklos Georgiadis, was also present at the airport and made the following statement:

"A complex program for the relocation of refugees from Greece to Germany was completed today.

Patroklos Georgiadis.

"It concerned a total of 1,553 refugees.

"This program had two features.

"The first feature was that it was done on the initiative of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis in agreement with [German] Chancellor Merkel.

"The second feature is that for the first time, refugees and not asylum seekers, were relocated to a European country.

"For the first time, the relocation took place directly from a Greek island, and specifically from Lesvos, with all that this can symbolise for this specific program."

It is noted that, as Georgiadis stressed, at the end of April "the keys of the Kara Tepe structure will be handed over to the Municipality of Mytilene to use the area as it wishes."

Kara Tepe is currently the main migrant facility in Lesvos.

With today's departure from Lesvos, the number of refugees relocated to Germany reached 1,553.

Kara Tepe.

The last flight from Athens to Hannover is expected to depart in the coming weeks, completing the process of relocating a total of 2,750 refugees and asylum seekers from Greece to Germany, which began on April 18, 2020.

The Ministry of Immigration and Asylum, in a statement said:

"Greece would like to express its warm thanks to the German Government for its practical and substantial support for the effective management of refugee and migration flows and the decongestion of the Eastern Aegean islands."

READ MORE: Turkey erects signs in 6 languages ​​on the Greek-Turkish border to guide the illegal immigrants.

This post was last modified on April 1, 2021 4:11 am

Copyright Greek City Times 2024
Athens Bureau
Published by
Athens Bureau
Copyright Greek City Times 2024