EOKA Struggle commemorated in Australian city of Brisbane

Published by
Athens Bureau

On this day in 1955, the Ethniki Organosis Kyprion Agoniston (EOKA) was founded and started its anti-colonial insurgency against the British in 1955.

EOKA's campaign formally ended on March 31, 1959 after it secured independence for the island country, but failed to achieve unity with Greece.

The foundation of EOKA was commemorated in the Australian city of Brisbane, as detailed by the High Commission of the Republic of Cyprus in Australia.

Their statement:

High Commissioner Martha A. Mavrommatis attended, with the President of the Cyprus Community of Queensland, Mr. Stathis Zambas, the Divine Liturgy at the Greek Orthodox Church of St George in the Australian city of Brisbane.

The Liturgy, which was also joined by and other representatives of the Honorary Consulate General of Greece and the Cypriot and Greek organisations, was followed by a Memorial and Wreath laying.

Immediately after the ceremony, there was a function at the Community Centre in honour of our heroes and heroines of the EOKA (National Organisation of Cypriot Fighters) struggle against the Bristish Colonial Rule.

The event at the Community Centre (which was packed with people of all ages), had  speeches, poems and traditional Cypriot dancing.

Congratulations to the President Mr Stathis Zambas, the members of the board, the women’s Auxiliary, the youth , children and all the volunteers for the excellent organisation of this very beautiful and moving event.

Long Live The EOKA Struggle

Lest we Forget

This post was last modified on April 1, 2021 9:57 pm

Copyright Greek City Times 2024
Athens Bureau
Published by
Athens Bureau
Copyright Greek City Times 2024