European Parliament Committee votes to lift convicted Golden Dawn members immunity

By 3 years ago

Members of the European Parliament's legal affairs committee today voted in favor of lifting the immunity of MEP Ioannis Lagou, with 22 votes in favor and 2 against, To Vima reported.

This decision concerns the conviction of Lagos for directing a criminal organisation - Golden Dawn.

Next week, the European Parliament will vote in the Plenary Session on the lifting of the his immunity, which is the final stage of this multi-month process.

Ioannis Lagos.

The voting day has not yet been set.

This decision paves the way for the imprisonment of Lagos, who remains free in Brussels six months after the court ruling of his imprisonment due to his immunity as a Member of the European Parliament.

In October 2020, the presiding judge, Maria Lepenioti, handed down sentences to the 57 people convicted in the trial of running a criminal organisation and for the murder of anti-fascist rapper Pavlos Fyssas.

Top Golden Dawn members, including Lagos, founder Nikos Michaloliakos, and Ilias Kasidiaris (now leader of the Greeks for the Fatherland Part) received a 13 year prison sentence.

READ MORE: Golden Dawn leaders receive up to 13 years in prison.


Athens Bureau