The unknown Greek “superfood”, corinthian raisins

By 3 years ago

Corinthian raisins are tiny, black dried fruits, packed full of flavour and nutrition - an unknown Greek 'superfood.'

Also called “black gold”, they are rich in fibre, potassium, antioxidants and various vitamins (B1, B2, B6 and C).

Corinthian raisins also promote good gut bacteria by producing prebiotic effects.

In 2013, Scientists from the Athens-based Harokopio University researched the effects Corinthian raisins have on colorectal cancer.

During the study, antioxidants in the raisins demonstrated anti-inflammatory effects on cancer cells and also protected them against harmful agents while stopping their proliferation.

So, how can we consume Corinthian raisins? They can be included as part of our daily diet in a variety of ways:
  • As a snack: You can eat them in combination with unsalted, raw nuts or with an oat bar.  Another good combination is to consume them with a piece of dark chocolate.
  • In salads: An excellent solution is to add them to your green salads along with various vegetables and make a dressing from balsamic and olive oil.
  • Breakfast: Add raisins to the muesli you have with your milk or yogurt.
  • In food: Corinthian raisins go perfectly in potato salads, rice dishes or even pies!
  • In sweets: You can add them to cakes, muffins, pancakes, or creams, etc. Raisins as a natural sweetener can easily replace sugar in many of the sweets you make.
*More on GCT: Will Greek yoghurt be the next great ‘Superfood’?
GCT Team

This article was researched and written by a GCT team member.