Greece, Cyprus have amongst lowest adult learning participation rates in Europe

By 3 years ago

Greece and Cyprus recorded amongst the lowest rates in the participation adults in lifelong learning according to the latest figures by Eurostat.

According to the report, seven EU Member States had participation rates below 5 %: Romania (1.0 %), Bulgaria (1.6 %), Slovakia (2.8 %), Croatia (3.2 %), Poland (3.7 %), Greece (4.1 %) and Cyprus (4.7 %). whilst six Member States exceeded the 15 % benchmark by 2020: Sweden (28.6 %), Finland (27.3 %), Denmark (20.0 %), the Netherlands (18.8 %), Estonia (17.1 %) and Luxembourg (16.3 %).

The latest results from the European Union (EU) labour force survey show that since 2010, the participation rate of adults in lifelong learning rose gradually until 2019, from 7.8 % to 10.8 %. However, in 2020, it dropped by 1.6 percentage points (pp), reaching 9.2 %.

The adult participation in learning was one of the benchmarks of the strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training up to 2020, called “Education and Training 2020” (ET 2020). This benchmark aimed to attain an average of at least 15 % of adults participating in lifelong learning in the EU.


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Kosta Papadopoulos