Greece prepares its sea and land borders ahead of Afghanistan migration crisis

August 19, 2021 8:05 am

Greece is on high alert following the collapse of Afghanistan to the Taliban with the Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis calling  an urgent meeting on Wednesday with the Government Council for Foreign Affairs (KYSEA).

Dominating the agenda of the meeting were the developments in Afghanistan and planning for border protection ahead of a potential migration crisis that could be exploited by human traffickers and political players in the region.

According to a government statement, the priority remains the coordination for the safe return of individuals and their families who cooperated with the Greek forces from Afghanistan.

All coordination efforts will be undertaken under the auspices of the Greek Foreign Ministry.

The planning was discussed both at European and bilateral level as well as at national level for the need to protect the borders and to avoid a new humanitarian crisis.

According to government officials, the Greek authorities are always on alert both at land and sea borders to prevent illegal entry into the country.

Some estimates place the numbers of refugees and immigrants to come out of the Afghanistan crisis close to 500,000, with most of them having to go through the Greek islands and mainland for European destinations like Germany and the United Kingdom.


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