New India-born Twitter CEO says he prefers Greek frappe over Turkish coffee

By 2 years ago

The new India-born CEO of Twitter reflected back in June 2011 his preference for Greek Frappe instead of Turkish Coffee.

The more than decade-old Tweet, with a timestamp showing the tweet was made in Greece, simply wrote: "Greek Frappe >> Turkish Coffee."

Parag Agrawal, from the Rajasthani city of Ajmer, became the CEO of Twitter last month.

Agrawal joined Twitter as a software engineer in 2011 and became the chief technology officer in 2017.

On 29 November 2021, Jack Dorsey announced that he was resigning as CEO of Twitter and that Agrawal was replacing him, with immediate effect.

Now that he is the CEO of Twitter, it can be assured that he will need plenty of frappe's to get through his long workdays.

READ MORE: Frappé and Freddo, Greece’s most popular Summer coffee drinks.

Athens Bureau